Thursday, February 18, 2016

Week 2 and 3

It's been a busy couple of weeks. So much so that we have not added to our blog. So, here we are.


One of the art activities we have been doing is to take a photo of us jumping, paint a background in one colour moving from darker to lighter and then adding a silhouette of ourselves. Here is the design example we based it on.

Here we are out on the senior playground getting our photo taken.




And this is what 3 finished examples look like.

Cooling down

It has been very warm recently. So much so that we found the only way to keep cool was to enjoy a cool and refreshing ice block.



This year the year 7/8 students are going to be running lunchtime activities. These are run by the PALs -  Physical Activity Leaders. Mr Muller asked if Room 24 would be able to help with their training by joining them as they learned how to successfully run an activity. We split into two groups and were taught 5 different activities. Here we are in action.



Oral language

Practising the skill of speaking confidently in front of others is very important so we are always happy when someone puts their name up for oral language.

Here is the amazing Matina sharing her karate knowledge and skills. Matina also doubles as the class security guard.

Today Amber shared her awesome art activity and a bird's house that she found abandoned on the ground.

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